365 Days of Earrings

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Miracles in Stone, Paint, and Glass

 Today we set out early to attend a Catholic Mass at St. Sulpice, home of an amazing organ that my sister-in-law Beth wanted to see. We discovered that the church is now part of the Da Vinci Code tours, because of the sundial that sits quietly in a corner, waiting for the solstices and equinoxes, when sunlight hits the line on the floor and travels up the obelisk to illuminate the golden ball and cross at the top.

It must be quite a sight! And what an amazing feat for the astronomer who designed it centuries ago.

I enjoyed listening to the mass in French, and trying to follow it in the prayer book.

After the service, we wandered past the chapels. I was especially struck by this amazing niche which holds Mary and Jesus. This sculpture replaced one that was destroyed by fire.

From there we headed to the Orsay Museum, home of many remarkable Impressionist works of art. I photographed today's earrings with our tickets during our dinner of pizza and antipasto salad. This pair was my birthday gift from my daughter Kathe this year. They are made of kiln fired glass--recycled bottle art! Their colors are as striking as those in the rose window of Notre Dame Cathedral, which we visited next.

A day spent wondering, "How could they figure out how to do that?"

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