365 Days of Earrings

Friday, February 25, 2011

A long and winding road

This morning when I left home I was sure that the hard part of my day would be over by noon.

I wore these earrings because they reminded me of the winding path of stepping stones that we were going to design on our 100th day of school. My third graders led teams of kindergartners, first, and second graders as they each designed a stone for our number path. All went smoothly. These inter-age groups bring out the best in all of the children--a source of great joy to me.

As I drove home this afternoon, powerful gusts of wind buffeted my car. I headed up our winding, single lane road watching the trees sway overhead. About half way up I came to a fallen tree. As darkness began to gather, I collected loose branches and threw them into the woods. I broke off the ends of the tree top, until I'd cleared enough to drive around the tree trunk, two wheels on the muddy left bank, two on the edge of the dirt road. Trusty Subaru!

A bit farther up hill, I came to a second fallen tree. Same routine, with a couple of variations. Grape vines make knots that tie the branches together, even when they've shattered in a fall. Steeper bank, tiltier maneuver.

Onward. On our drive, I met a third downed tree--more slender than the others, stretching completely across the road. I set to breaking branches. Slender, but not brittle. So I decided to lift the tree and walk it until it allowed my car to pass. I battled the tangled underbrush but eventually swiveled the twenty feet of tree, gatelike, and drove on home.

My boots were made for strolling, not lumberjacking, but I kept them on to grab a handsaw and load the chainsaw in the back of my car to meet John as he headed up the road so that we could finish clearing the drive.

These earrings were a gift from my daughter Kathe. Now they remind me of a long and winding road. Some days are like that.

1 comment:

Käthe said...

The joys of living on that mountain! I want to see pictures of the stepping stones!