365 Days of Earrings

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Van Gogh's Chairs?

I made these earrings last January when I was snowed in. I spent the day sitting in my cosy green armchair beside the woodstove, and thought it might be fun to wear Van Gogh chair earrings one day. I'm home for a day, I've been sitting in that same chair organizing my carry-on bag in preparation for tomorrow's trip to France. Van Gogh prepared for a trip to France, once, too! (Desperately seeking a rationale...)

So I'm wearing Van Gogh's chairs, traced on Shrinky Dink plastic without thinking about how they would end up as mirror images of the originals. Or about how dark Gauguin's chair would be. Ah, well. I like them better in this photograph than I do on my ears--they're less murky, and don't require anyone to peer in puzzlement at my ears.

Vincent painted them in Arles in December. I won't be in Arles, and it's almost July. Ah, well. It won't be long before I'm sitting in a chair in France. That'll have to do.

1 comment:

Käthe said...

Have a wonderful time in Paris and France! I cannot wait to hear the stories and see the pictures when we celebrate my birthday ;) I'll try to call you tomorrow and hope to catch you before you leave!