Today my baby turned 19. She's off at college. For the first time in 19 years, we won't be sharing chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Last night, in anticipation of her birthday, I checked my earring collection. Nothing jumped out at me. So I went to my craft box and began pulling out my boxes of beads and jewelry findings (jargon for wires and fasteners and what-not used to make jewelry). There I found some cut glass pyramids/prisms, once part of a crystal chandelier.

On my way to school this morning, I pressed the CD button to avoid listening to a news story on NPR. Carole King began to sing...
Although you see the world different than me
Sometimes I can touch upon the wonders that you see
All the new colors and pictures you've designed
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
You don't need direction, you know which way to go
And I don't want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow
You're the one who taught me you don't have to look behind
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Nobody's gonna kill your dreams
Or tell you how to live your life
There'll always be people to make it hard for a while
But you'll change their heads when they see you smile
The times you were born in may not have been the best
But you can make the times to come better than the rest
I know you will be honest if you can't always be kind
Oh yes, sweet darling
Child of mine, child of mine,
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Love you, love you,
child of mine.
perfect song!
Wow! That was a beautiful post. Love the new earrings and Carole King, of course! Happy birthday, Pheebs! You are so loved.
Now that brought a tear to my eye! Lovely.
CRYING MY EYES OUT, OF COURSE. Thank you SO much, Mama for celebrating my birthday from afar. I now feel much closer to my last 18 birthdays and a lot happier about my 19th. Beautiful post, beautiful earrings, beautiful family.
I love you, love you, Mama of mine!
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