Some of them, I studied in school.
1890: United Mine workers formed.
1919: League of Nations founded.
And I read lots of Virginia Woolf, both in school and out. Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own. Today would have been her birthday. 1882. She'd be 129 today!
But here's where I began to feel a bit out of touch. Today in 1958, the ALGOL committee met for the first time. I've never heard of ALGOL. Turns out it's a computer language that is the basis for many other languages. First time I ever heard of it!
And then there's St. Dwynwen, the patron saint of lovers and sick animals in Wales. I've always been proud of my Welsh heritage, but I've never heard of Dwynwen or her lover Maelon. One of them drank a potion and one of them turned to ice. No one is sure which. But Dwynwen died a hermit. Who knew?

But this was the biggest shock to me:
LOTR Gandalf falls in Moria. On January 25?!? And when did Lord of the Rings become history?
So, I decided that if Tolkien could write history, so can I: I wore these lovely earrings today. They were a gift from my daughter, who bought them in Lafayette, LA. I think they contain Elvish writing. Written before Gandalf fell in Moria, and foretelling that event.
History has once again been made on January 25th!
Haha! :)
And here I was spending the day thinking that Christmas was one month ago today.
If your son wrote the history books, I think LOTR dates would be included. LOVE those earrings. DO you really have to wait a whole year to wear them again? Maybe they'll get lonesome... maybe your favorite niece wants to borrow them???
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