365 Days of Earrings

Friday, March 4, 2011

Openings and Closings

A triangle is a closed shape with 3 sides and 3 vertices and 3 angles. Today these earrings were "extra credit" on my math groups's geometry assessment. Were my earrings triangles? If so, why? If not, why not?

Just now I'm working to close some openings as I head into my last week of school before Spring Break. We need to finish those archaeological digs in Social Studies. We need to finish the historical fiction stories in Writing Workshop. But most of all, I need to finish preparations for my ecomystery, Tracing the Ancestry of the Spanish Horse, by Wednesday. Maps and timelines and life-size silhouettes of ancestral horses and schedules and pouches and, oh yes, the PowerPoint. But it's the weekend, and I have some time to noodle and tinker, two of my favorite occupations.

At least I have my earrings made for Wednesday! First things first!

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