365 Days of Earrings

Monday, March 21, 2011

Touched by the Hand of Fatima

Distant tragedies filled the airwaves and my mind again today. Sorrow for Japan, and fear for Libya. Fear for Japan, and sorrow for Libya.

Once again, I wondered if I might own any Libyan earrings. I searched online and found this symbol often in Tuareg jewelry. Further research revealed that this is a stylized Hand of Fatima (Mohammed's daughter), believed to protect its wearer from evil and worn by all Tuareg women. Here is another image of the hand known variously as hamsa, hansa, khamsa, and khomissar:

From this symbol comes the stylized version above: the three bottom points representing thumb, middle fingers, and pinky.

So. How to make Hands of Fatima earrings. Paper chains? Could I make an origami-like paper pair?

I tried.

Tiny folded paper chains.
Hands of Fatima.

How I wish that a web of care could spread across the globe so that tonight everyone could sleep, well fed and safe. Especially in Libya. Especially in northern Japan.

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