365 Days of Earrings

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Starfish angling

This morning we were working with angles in math. I chose these starfish for their 5 acute angles. My third graders were thrilled to do some "upper level math," measuring angles with protractors and figuring out the measurement of an angle in a triangle when they knew the other two.

It wasn't until I took this picture that I saw that these earrings related to my day in another way: today we watched our sixth, seventh and eighth graders perform their gymnastics routines--some amazing feats of strength and agility! I see cartwheels!

And then there is always the five-pointed nature of our family: two parents, three offspring, reaching out to fill all available space. But now we're back to two of us home alone; Will left for college again tonight, focused on directing a one-act play.

My daughter Käthe bought these earrings for me in Louisiana last year. I wonder what her angle was...

1 comment:

jwkrumich said...

Happy to be the papa of Starfish Krumich.