365 Days of Earrings

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Migrate, or Stay Put?

I woke up this morning to chilly rain, with a forecast for more of the same. I'd have been happy to curl up and enjoy another hour or two of sleep, listening to the rhythm of the rain. If I were a bird, I thought, I'd migrate.

So I wore these tiny paper birds, a gift last Mother's Day from my husband John, who commissioned the purchase from my daughter Phoebe. She knew that I'd been coveting a pair of earrings made by this artist whose wares are sold at a little boutique in Middleburg, VA called loulou too. Birds, dragonflies, butterflies, elephants, fish, flowers, cats... Tiny paper cut-outs. 

I spent most of the day indoors, glad for the warm shelter. Each time someone commented on my earrings, I thought of the birds buffeted by the weather outdoors.

This time of year, many birds have left their northern summer homes and are making their way south to tropical climes where they will spend the winter. 

But what of the many species that overwinter here in Northern Virginia, choosing our chilly winter weather over the crowded, competitive life of the tropics where food and warmth abound? 

It's time to lay in the firewood, unpack the sweaters, and load the birdfeeders. Another Virginia winter is on the way.

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