365 Days of Earrings

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thinking Globally

When I got home tonight at 6:30 PM, the house was dark. Totally dark. When I stepped through the door I could see that the light that normally glows on the phone was off. Even though I knew it was pointless, I flipped the hallway light switch. Nada.

I found a flashlight, called the power company to report the outage, and then set about hooking up our generator. Once it was chugging away on the porch, I fixed a picnic dinner and ate it. Then I rebooted our internet connection.

I wrote a couple of tricky emails, then decided to write a quick blog post.

Here are today's earrings: a pair of western hemispheres made by the Wood Thrush Fimo artist I've mentioned before. I wore them for a lesson about Room to Read, the group that fights illiteracy in developing countries. At then end of class, we played a game in which we raced to name the countries we might help on the map. 

But now I'm a bit chagrined with myself, sitting here in comfort, thanks to my  generator, burning fossil fuels to maintain my internet connection. (And to keep the food in the fridge and freezer from spoiling.)

Even when my life hits a bump, it's easier than the lives of most people around the world. Soon I'll head to bed, to read by flashlight.

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