365 Days of Earrings

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blue bolts of lightning

I think my group of 4 girls is settled for the night after a morning on the schoolbus, an afternoon of touring Colonial Williamsburg, dinner in a tavern, and a swim in the heavily chlorinated hotel pool.

We really enjoyed our visit at the wigmaker, learning about styles of wigs, the painstaking process of making them, and the products used to maintain them.

But my guess is that this group will say the highlight of their trip was climbing trees.

They spent half and hour in a tree after lunch, and then another after dinner climbing in a different grove of trees until a costumed interpreter came and asked that they not climb so high.

How happy I was that the thunderstorms forecast for today have yet to materialize, and we were able to wander the city and climb its trees.

I chose these earrings as talismans against the lightning, and I think they did their job! My blue lightning bolts chased away the electrical kind.
So here I sit in the hotel, trying to keep light and sound at a minimum so that my girls are ready to greet the dawn.

My daughter Kathe made these earrings for me. She made this trip with her 3rd grade class 16 years ago.

1 comment:

Käthe said...

Yikes, 16 years! I don't remember the climbing trees part, but it sounds like a good addition :)