365 Days of Earrings

Friday, May 13, 2011

Owen Glass


Light bulbs?

Both were in my forecast for today. I left home in a drizzly mist for a morning of four more parent-teacher conferences (22 down, 5 to go), followed by an hour in which to prepare for the afternoon's Third Grade Variety Show: 27 acts in 90 minutes, performed under the lights in the school theater.  

How glad I am that I spent this rainy afternoon watching my students dance and tumble; play cello, violin, and piano; hula hoop and jumprope and pogo; act and rap and juggle; share PowerPoint and animation; and sing songs of many sorts. Under the glow of the lights, each child in turn strode onto the stage and shared a talent. The assembled parents, classmates, and teachers cheered. I love this day of courage and sharing.

Lightbulbs. Definitely lightbulbs. The raindrops played no role in my day.

These were gifts from my ex-sister-in-law. They are antique glass, from a company called Owen Glass. My brother's first name is Owen. Back when she gave me this pair, she smiled and said dreamily, "Owen Glass... Just as alluring as your brother." 

And still glowing, even on a drizzly day.

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